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Sunday, January 24, 2010

I think there were two reasons why I chose to take this book from the library. One, when I opened, I opened on the chapter 7 which said, "First Go for the Gut". It looked like something similar to BLINK and thought I would check this out. Two, the name of the author. It was too good to be true.

Frankly, the book was nothing great. But, it is not a complete waste of time either. One can finish it in about 35 minutes. It talks about how to be charged, and how to charge people, how to present well and some tips on not boring people. It talks about having a great vision and articulating the vision. It gives some tips such as in 8 seconds, the audience measures up what you have to say ; about 18 minutes is all that you can get from the audience and so on. It talks about 7 communication value addeds that one should have :

1) Not boring; 2) Adding value to people who have come for the ppt 3) Being master of your ppt 4) Knowing what you are going to talk about 5) Knowing your audience 6) Talking in pictures 7) Doing your homework and being thorough. These are good to remember principles.